Local Mental Health Resources
This particular CAMH Service is primarily for Emergency’s for those who are in distress and are suffering from mental health and addictions concerns.
CAMH's 24/7 Psychiatric Emergency Department is located at 250 College Street.
Self-Referral Accepted – Phone 416-535-8501 Press 2
Call telehealth to receive more information on other supports that you can access
1 866-797-0000
CAMH also has a number of other programs that support a variety of concerns.
Homewood Health
Homewood provides inpatient and outpatient services for those suffering with mental health, addictions and concurrent disorders.
In the Rooms
In the Rooms offers informational articles about recovery and over 130 weekly online meetings for those recovering from addiction and related issues, that embraces multiple pathways supports a variety of beliefs and approaches. In addition to live meetings, there is an online support network of other individuals in recovery to help build community.
HAMS stands for harm reduction, abstinence, and moderation support, and supports any goal from safer use to reduced use to abstinence. It is a peer-led support and informational group for individuals who primarily want to change their drinking habits, but are also welcoming to those who use any substance. HAMS offers community through online forums, chat rooms, a Facebook group, and email support group.
SMART Recovery
SMART Recovery is a community that features daily meetings, message board, recovery tools, and 24/7 live chat. There is support for individuals as well as friends and family supporting loved one's with an addiction. Meetings are available both in person and online.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Education and support through meetings for those struggling with alcoholism
Emergency and Crisis Services
Online Emergency Doctors
Guelph General Hospital
GGH provides emergency social workers that can support you. You have access to meeting with a doctor for medication options. Let the Triage know you are there to access mental health services when you are assessed.
Emergency Department
Ph: 519 837-6460
Fax: 519 837-6420
Hospital Emergency Support Services
Chaplaincy service is available to the Emergency Unit 24 hours a day.
The department works in collaboration with community services such as the Community Mental Health Clinic, Community Care Access Centre, Homewood Health Centre, St. Joseph’s Health Centre – the Ambulance Service and the Police.
Here 24/7
Crisis help and referrals to Waterloo-Wellington Addictions, Mental Health & Crisis Services
Hours: 24 Hours
Ph: 1-844-437-3247
Crisis Services Canada
Suicide Prevention and Support
Texting also available 4-12am – Text 45645 (Wait times are longer for texting)
Crisis Line: 1-833 456-4566
Web: https://www.crisisservicescanada.ca/en/
Mental Health Helpline
Dial 9-8-8​
A free, confidential helpline providing about mental illness and support services available to help
Hours: 24 Hours
Ph: 1-866-531-2600
General Mental Health Supports
Big White Wall Canada (now TOGETHERALLCANADA)
An online mental health and wellbeing service offering self-help programs, creative outlets, and a supportive community. A safe place to talk, share and gain support. Simply register on the site and explore the resources available.
Web: https://togetherall.com/en-ca/
Family Counselling and Support Services (Now called Compass Community Services)
(if you need support on a more emergency basis, they can accommodate short-term counselling on a walk-in basis)
For individuals and families provided by Family Counselling and Support Services for Guelph-Wellington – Walk-in counselling services
Hours: Mon-Thurs 9am-9pm, Fri, 9-5pm, Sat 9am-2pm (Walk-in services are available)
Ph: 519-824-2431
Good to Talk
A free, confidential helpline providing professional counselling, information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario
Hours: 24 Hours
Call: 1-866-925-5454
Victim Services Wellington
Victim Services Wellington gives emotional and practical help to victims of crime, trauma, and tragic circumstances.
In Guelph, call: 519-824-1212, ext. 7304
In Wellington County, call: 519-323-9660
Domestic Violence
Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis
24 Hour Crisis Line: 519-836-5710 or 1-800-265-7233
Crisis support and resources for women who have experienced any form of abuse including sexual assault.
Offers transitional support and Court Support Program
Gender-based Violence Learning Network
Learning Network for a variety of topics relating to violence against women
​Assaulted Women’s Helpline
Free, confidential 24-hour crisis telephone line for women who have experienced any form of abuse.
Call: 1-866-863-0511, TTY: 1-866-863-7868
My Safety Plan
This site provides a generic safety plan that individuals in abusive relationships can utilize to keep themselves and their children safe. It provides a number of tips and blank spaces to fill in when considering a variety of categories including: Violent outbursts, public, virtual and work places.
Family and Child Services
24hr number to report a concern about a child’s safety or welfare.
1-800-265-8300 or 519-824-2410
Victim Services/Crisis Assistance Guelph-Wellington
Compass Community Services Group
Satellite Locations in Fergus and Mount Forest
Ph: 519-824-2431
Camino (Formerly Carizon) in partnership with Family Violence Project
Offers a variety of services including groups, individual counselling, safety planning and information on police reporting.
Ph: 519-743-6333
E-mail: coordinator@familyviolenceprojectwr.ca
LGBTQ2S Community
PFlag Canada – Parents, Friends of Lesbians and Gays
Resources for family and friends wanting to better understand their LGBTQ family and friends
Website: Pflagcanada.ca
For questions about supports in your area contact:
Pflag - Waterloo/Wellington/Perth, ON
Jim Parrott
f. Facebook
Offers resources and peer support groups for members of the LGBTQ population and also those struggling with mental health
LGBTribe Group: https://support.therapytribe.com/lgbt-support-group/
The Tribe Wellness Community also offers peer-support groups for anxiety and depression
Depression Group: https://support.therapytribe.com/depression-support-group/
Out on the Shelf
Queer Library and Resource Centre
Resources, programming and activities to promote socialization, knowledge and support.
Legal Services
Legal Aid Ontario
Legal Aid provides a number of services to individuals who qualify. Call to find our your elligibility.
Call: 1-800-668-8258 (collect calls are accepted)
Victim Quick Response Program
Assists victims of violent crimes with a variety of supports including: emergency, counselling and funeral costs.
Family Law Education for Women
Legal information on women’s rights and family law issues in many languages
Chronic Pain and Illness
Carizon – Peer Support Group
CMHA - Virtual Chronic Pain & Mental Health Peer Support
Guelph Community Health Center - Psychoeducation
Pain B.C – Though not in Ontario, provides a ton of information as well as online education.
Guelph family health team – Courses are held on this topic
There is now a focused health team for Chronic Pain at Dawson Road Family Medical